+65-6849 5415
100M building Tras Street, Singapore 079027

The SAP BW Connector for BIRT is an innovative plug-in, developed by VOTEC Group, that allows Actuate BIRT report designers to connect and access SAP cubes to further construct new functions. This solution delivers greater business value to BIRT users by leveraging the extensive and rich reporting features of open source BIRT or Actuate BIRT to design and develop reports against SAP Cubes.

Other third party tools do not provide a Graphical User Interface for accessing SAP BW data objects–SAP BW Connector for BIRT allows the user to create, access and customize an MDX query with a familiar interface. In addition to operating on an independent platform, SAP BW Connector for BIRT simplifies connectivity by retrieving data from SAP OLAP data sources through web services.

Realize the Benefits of SAP BW Connector for BIRT from VOTEC Group

  • Platform independence
  • Simplified connectivity
  • Retrieve data from SAP OLAP data sources through web services
  • Create, access and customize MDX query using GUI
  • BEx query parameter handling
  • Report parameter handling
  • Utilize features such as Slicing, Filtering, Order By, and MDX Cross Join
  • Support Localization

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